- MEMO 3 / JUL 2015 - Of all common that exists in popular shops, look for the useful ones. Subtract the useless and keep what is beautiful and simple. More or less like this the equation: (1,000 - 999 = 1). From that "1" ask to see it, to take a look. Wait a while so they find it. If they find it, ask how much it costs. Wait again for the price. Delete “that güero face”. In general, you have to clarify two or three times which item you are looking for in the meantime. Wait a bit more. If and only if, what was requested was available and that the price was also appropriate, no emotion should be shown. It's worth sweating but it's time to keep quiet. Minimum 10 seconds. Generate tension. That is the moment to make them wait. Finding just one unique and meaningful object takes time and patience. "The art" of waiting. Utilitario Mexicano. 5th anniversary