Art / Critique / History
Minerva Cuevas is a Mexican artist whose work is characterized by active social commitment and a constant questioning of the existing economic system. Her work experiments with the potential of alternative informal systems that invite participation. She uses electronic media to create installations, videos, and photographs, as well as self-managed strategies, actions, and interventions in public spaces to critically reflect on social issues. Donald McRonald revolves around the performance of the same name, in which a clown-like character stands in front of the most well-known fast-food chain and invites passersby to enter and consume the products while revealing information about food quality, labor conditions, and the operations of one of the largest corporations in the fast-food industry. The book provides an insight into this action, carried out in three different countries, from the artist's perspective based on research and materials gathered for its execution.
"Let's not swallow the omnipresence of large corporations. It's likely not the abundance of information or the evidence incriminating the fast-food industry that will ultimately counteract its presence and voracity. Perhaps we can only free ourselves from them through a strong and dignified local culture as well." -MC
Title: 2. Donald McRonald
Author: Minerva Cuevas
Publisher: Editorial Alias
Binding: Paperback
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Number of Pages: 72
Weight: 140 gr.
Genre: Art
Language: Spanish
Printing: Four inks
Year: 2012
Printed in Mexico